Thursday, March 28, 2013

"The Host" review: Invasion of the boring snoozers

Kruger poses at the premiere of "The Host" in Hollywood By Alonso Duralde LOS ANGELES ( - Here we go again: No sooner did the "Twilight" franchise pack up and head to that shiny coffin in the sky that we get another Stephenie Meyer story about the Special-est Girl in the World and the cute boys who fall madly in love with her. No bloodsuckers or lycanthropes this time, however; now it's all about glittery dust-bunny aliens who have taken over all the human bodies and turned them…polite? "The Host" posits an alien invasion whereby almost all of humanity has been body-snatched, resulting in a planet that's clean, well-fed and kind. ...

via Movies News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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