Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Frozen: Disney reveal hidden Easter Eggs you probably never noticed

Frozen easter eggs 'Frozen's' recent covert mission to secretly feature Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, Mickey Mouse and the land of Sugar Rush from 'Wreck-It-Ralph' had many Easter-egg hunters doffing their caps in appreciation towards the Disney production. The animation studio has a long history of hiding dozens blink-and-you'll-miss-em moments to their newest releases, and devout Disney fans simply adore scrutinising every frame to find concealed references. Pixar's Pizza Planet truck has managed to pop up in nearly every single one of their movies, no matter what era or genre their newest film is set in, while others are more conspicuous, so much so that you've probably missed them all together. Which Disney/Pixar movie Easter Eggs have almost certainly passed you by?

via Yahoo Movies UK – Movie News | Film Reviews | Movie Trailers

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