Thursday, April 10, 2014

Star Wars VII to star unknown Oxford graduate?

Star Wars VII to star unknown Oxford graduate? After hearing that 'Star Wars VII' is looking to cast some less-familiar faces, it looks as though British actress Maisie Richardson-Sellers may have landed a role… It's no secret that J.J. Abrams seems to be following in the footsteps of the original 'Star Wars' trilogy… and it recently transpired that he may turn to a cast of relatively unknown actors to star in 'Episode VII'. And in a surprising move, it seems that unknown actress Maisie Richardson-Sellers may have nabbed a major role… but who exactly is she? According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Oxford-educated British actress could be up for a major role in 'Star Wars: Episode VII'.

via Yahoo Movies UK – Movie News | Film Reviews | Movie Trailers

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